Soda in Spring: I was in music class and we were using Garageband, I had finished my assignment so I had freetime. I started a song with loops and I saved the file and uploaded it to a Google Drive, went home, downloaded it, and finished it. I was so proud of it.

Tiger Parade: Just using loops for fun.

Height of the Sky

Soft Goodbye: its very calm i wont lie

Space Dust: im proud of this one its very chill

Harp Melodies: i used loops

Twisted Chords: i used loops

Shattered Market: after getting a random boost of motivation out of no where, defiently my favorite garageband song so far

The Enemy: testing out another older version of garageband by guess what, MESSING WITH LOOPS!! (again again again again)

Pink Owl

Raging Blizzard: i kinda like this one tbh

Grand Open: this one is actually kinda cool i wont lie, just loops

Darkest Night

Lotus Pond: a very boring lame and slow song tbh but its eh

The Sea: was me just testing my musical ability lol

The Clock Strikes 13: in the title when it says the clock strikes 13 it means how in 12 hour time there is no "13th" hour so its like a clock breaking which is why the song is so aggressive and stuff, its like another part to "broken time" (the song below this)

Broken Time: my one of favorite beepbox songs so far, it gives me like some evil time traveler vibe and i like it

Forgotten River: idk how to describe this at all but its cool i guess lol

Torn Town: i was just messing with garageband loops (again again again)

Tropical Breeze: i was just messing with garageband loops (again again)